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Community Engagement Research
Our Community Engagement Team operate in the heart of the community.
They work in partnerships to develop new services, improve access to information and create forums to share insight and feedback from our diverse communities.
There is increasing evidence that Coronavirus has had a greater impact on people from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic backgrounds. In response to the pandemic, our team have been proactive in ensuring our diverse communities in West Sussex not only have access to the reliable information they need but can have their voices heard on the issues that are impacting their community.
It is vital that we work together to make things better and make change happen. We’re having honest discussions about problems and things that aren’t working, collaborating with our communities and asking them for their feedback and suggestions. Having evolved from being Covid-19 focused, the team are now engaging with residents to reduce inequalities and barriers to accessing services, whilst offering community-led solutions to achieve change.
We keep in regular touch with our partners and funders, and we’re always making new contacts so that we can get things done.
See our recent projects we have been working on and how you can get involved:
Working together to improve experiences for diverse communities in our local areas.

Mid Sussex Language Café
Over two years, free English classes in Burgess Hill, Haywards Heath, and East Grinstead enhanced language skills, fostering confidence and a sense of belonging. Supported by Aspire Sussex and the Mid Sussex District Council, these classes facilitated integration, empowering individuals for daily interactions and accessing opportunities.
Crawley Language Café
Our Crawley English conversation groups are for people living in temporary accommodation. They are an opportunity to practice English language skills, meet new people and gain confidence.
Lung Cancer Awareness in Crawley
We worked with Sussex NHS and others to raise awareness of lung cancer symptoms amongst communities in Crawley, helping make sure everyone knows the range of support that is out there.

Domestic Abuse Support in Crawley Report
The Community Engagement team worked on a research project to investigate the services that were available in Crawley for people affected by domestic abuse. We used Community Participation Research techniques to guide our project and ensure that our results were guided by those in the community and reflected the experiences of those connected to the topic in focus.
COVID 19 Report and Summary
In response, to the COVID 19 pandemic we undertook a research project to look into the disparities in health outcomes between different communities in Crawley. With BAME populations affected by COVD at a higher rate than their white counterparts, we looked to find community led solutions to address these differences.
Mid Sussex Community Champions
We have created a network of volunteer Community Champions from EU, Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic groups, and empower them with up-to-date information about Covid-19, local support and services to share with their communities in the Mid Sussex area.
If you would like to get involved with our Community Engagement Team,
please email: community.engagement@westsussexcab.org.uk
Find out more about volunteering
“Citizens Advice helped me through my own debt problems, and now I’m glad I can share this help with others as a trained volunteer.”