Contact my nearest
Citizens Advice in West Sussex


For everyone, for 80 years

Citizens Advice in West Sussex

North | South | East

We have 7 main locations in West Sussex where you can visit us in person. If you are not sure which is your nearest enter your postcode or town above and we can tell you your three nearest Citizens Advice locations.

We also have 9 community locations:

Arun & Chichester Citizens Advice


We have several locations in West Sussex where you can visit us in person. If you are not sure which is your nearest enter your postcode or town above and we can tell you your three nearest Citizens Advice locations.

We also have several community locations:

We are two independent charities, working together to deliver advice in West Sussex

In partnership together, Citizens Advice in West Sussex helped 41,498 local people last year.

WSCCadur worthing councilsmid sussex councilArun District Councilchichester District Council logo jpegcrawley borough councilhorsham district council