Opening hours
Monday – Friday, 10am – 4pm
Reception is open to drop off paperwork, attend or book appointments or arrange advice call backs.
If you visit our offices, it might not be possible to get an appointment on the same day as these are reserved for emergencies.
Our address
Lower Tanbridge Way
RH12 1PJ
Useful Tools
Benefit Checker
Volunteering Opportunities in Horsham
- Advice Volunteers – Digital/Adviceline
- Volunteer Administrator
Useful Links
- Horsham Outreach
- Book an appointment
- Email referral form
- Local council page
- Horsham Matters
- Age UK
- Mind
- Sussex Oakleaf
- Carers Support
- West Sussex Community Hub West Sussex SEND
A member of the team will be there to greet you, however, an appointment might need to be booked for further support. See below or contact us for further details.
- Alternate Tuesdays.
- 2nd Wednesday of the month: March 12th, April 9th
- Alternate Thursdays: (February 27th, March 13th, March 27th.)
- Alternate Thursdays: (March 6th and 20th)
- Alternate Fridays: February 28th, March 14th, 28th.
- Horsham Matters foodbank: Tuesday, Wednesday and Fridays 10am – 12pm at Unit 1, Redkiln Close, Horsham, RH13 5QL or check the website for other dates and times
- Macmillan
The LIFT Project: Working with Horsham District Council, our new LIFT project offers tailored financial advice to residents, focusing on income maximisation, benefit applications, and grant assistance for low-income households. Campaigns involve promoting Pension Credit awareness and supporting families through schools.
We have been using a new Low-Income Family Tracker (LIFT) dashboard to target support for the most vulnerable organisations and households across the district, and the school visit project is just one priority focus area.
Click here for resources and signposting to topics such as money, debt and energy support.
Our Citizens Advice Horsham Partners
Find out more about volunteering
"Volunteering is such a fantastic experience, and everyone here makes me feel that what I do is appreciated"