Opening hours

Monday to Friday, 9.30am – 4pm 

Pre-booked face-to-face appointments are available at our office during these times for people who cannot access advice or appointments digitally. Reception is open to drop off paperwork or arrange advice call backs. We have very limited space for on the day in-person help and is for emergencies only, so please phone or email where you can.

You can pre-book a face to face appointment with our team – contact us.

Our address

Citizens Advice Haywards Heath
Paddockhall Road
Haywards Heath
RH16 1HG

Useful Tools

Volunteering Opportunities in Haywards Heath

  • Advice Volunteers – Digital/Adviceline
  • Reception/Admin Volunteers

Click here to apply.


  • Bentswood hub


Find out more about volunteering

"Volunteering is such a fantastic experience, and everyone here makes me feel that what I do is appreciated"