Opening hours
Monday to Friday, 9:30am – 4pm
Pre-booked face-to-face appointments are available at our office during these times for people who cannot access advice or appointments digitally. Reception is open to drop off paperwork or arrange advice call backs. We have very limited space for on the day in-person help and is for emergencies only, so please phone or email where you can.
You can pre-book a face to face appointment with our team – contact us.
Our address
The Orchard
Gleneagles Court
Brighton Road
RH10 6AD
Useful Tools
Volunteering Opportunities in Crawley
- Advice Volunteers
Useful Links
Book an appointment
Local council page
Age UK
Sussex Oakleaf
Carers Support
West Sussex Community Hub West Sussex SEND
- Broadfield Library Outreach: Mondays from 10am to 5pm at 46 Broadfield Barton, Broadfield, Crawley, RH11 9BA.
- Leacroft Medical Practice – Wednesdays from 2pm to 5pm at Langley House, Langley Dr, Langley Green, Crawley RH11 7T.
Outreach sessions are provided by Crawley Connects, a project offering immigration, benefits and domestic violence advice to migrants residing in Crawley only.
- Macmillan Benefits Service – benefits advice and casework for Crawley residents undergoing or recently recovering from cancer treatment
- Crawley Connects
- Crawley Homelessness Prevention – must be referred by Crawley Homelessness Team
- Crawley NHS Engagement
- Debt Advice and casework – funded by the Money Advice and Pensions Service
Our Citizens Advice Crawley Partners
Find out more about volunteering
"Volunteering is such a fantastic experience, and everyone here makes me feel that what I do is appreciated"