Opening hours

Drop-in times: 

Monday and Wednesday, 9.30am – 4pm 

You will be able to chat with one of our team and we’ll share what information we can. If your problem is more complicated and requires a full appointment, we may book a follow-up appointment for you and depending on your needs, this may be face-to-face or over the phone. 

Festive period opening hours

Tuesday 24th December to 1st January – Closed

The following phonelines open until 5pm on both Christmas Eve and New Years Eve:

  • Help Through Hardship(for foodbank voucher): 0808 208 2138
  • Help to Claim Universal Credit: 0800 144 8444

Our Adviceline service (0808 278 7969) closes early at 1pm on 24th and 31st December.

Our address

Burgess Hill Library
The Martlets
Burgess Hill
RH15 9NN

Useful Tools

Volunteering Opportunities in Burgess Hill

Click here to apply.


  • Ukrainian Support: Mid Sussex Voluntary Action coffee morning every Thursday at the Cherry Tree Centre from 10am
  • Language Café: fortnightly on a Wednesday at Cyprus Hall in Burgess Hill 9.30am-11am, open to anyone in the area looking to improve their English Language Skills


  • Macmillan
  • Debt Advice and Casework
  • Homelessness Prevention

Community champions project: mixture of online and in person events sharing information about local support services

My adviser was very helpful, I have a few significant issues to deal with and he was very knowledgeable and thorough.

Find out more about volunteering

"Volunteering is such a fantastic experience, and everyone here makes me feel that what I do is appreciated"