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Are you ready to unlock your potential and be a part of something bigger?

Be a part of the Citizens Advice team and kick off a rewarding journey of personal growth, skill development, and community impact. Let’s team up and create positive change in the lives of those who need it most.

So, what’s in it for you? Well, not only will you get to express your passion for transforming the world around you, but you’ll also have a chance to sharpen your skills. Plus, it looks great on your CV, personal statement, or apprenticeship application. By volunteering with us, you’ll be one step ahead of the game.

And the perks don’t stop there! You’ll meet an amazing crew of fellow volunteers, all with diverse backgrounds and expertise, creating a unique opportunity to expand your network and make lifelong connections. Who knows, the relationships you build here could open doors to future opportunities.

So, what are you waiting for? Join us, become a student volunteer and let’s make a real impact!



“My time at Citizens Advice has allowed me to see how the theories taught in the classroom can be applied to the real world. Alongside seeing the work I do help the local community, it has allowed me to develop skills in a range of areas. These skills can be transferred to my studies and have helped me to be more organised, have better time management, increase my interpersonal skills, develop my writing style and boost my confidence.” 

Jacob, Student Volunteer

Find out more about volunteering

“Universal Credit can be confusing, and I’m pleased to be able to help people through the process.”