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Struggling with Debt and Money Issues?
Debt and Money Advice in West Sussex
More people than ever before are getting into debt or finding it difficult to live on the money they earn or receive. We can help if you are struggling with debt and money issues.
Dealing with money issues can sometimes be very stressful and it is sometimes easy to put off dealing with them. If you are confused about things like credit charges, or which bills you should pay first, you could end up losing out financially or getting yourself in a cycle of debt which is difficult to break.
Our advice can help you make the right choices, including helping you to deal with your debt problems, how to avoid losing your home and how to get your finances back into shape.
We will look at your situation and explain your options when dealing with debt. We aim to help you manage your own problems by identifying options for you.
As part of our process…

We’ll assess your whole financial situation, check your benefit entitlement and give you budgeting advice if needed.

Emergency help
We’ll help you to deal with any emergencies, such as bailiff action, the threat of eviction or disconnection, court hearings or any other issues needing urgent attention.

We’ll advise you which payments to prioritise and help you to deal with priority debts such as arrears of rent, mortgage, council tax or fuel bills.

We’ll explain all the options available for dealing with your debts.
Where you can get debt advice
Useful tools
You aren’t alone
It’s common to feel low or anxious when dealing with job loss, redundancy, or debt. See a GP, call NHS 111 or contact a helpline such as Samaritans (call free on 116 123) for confidential, non-judgmental emotional support.
More advice for coping with financial worries can be found here on the NHS website.
When you have debts and they are piling up…
- Don’t panic, there are always options and strategies to deal with them. Get some help from us.
- We can help you look at your essential expenditure and your income to see what savings you can make, and claim any benefits that you are entitled to – we have tools to help you with this.
- We will help you look at prioritising which repayments are essential.
- Debts referred to as priority debts include rent/mortgage, council tax, utility bills – these need to be paid first. We can help you to budget, for example by putting together a monthly expenditure sheet.
- If you’re not ready to use a debt solution or you can’t afford to right now, the government-backed Breathing Space scheme could give you extra time. You’ll need to get advice from a debt adviser first – they’ll check to see if you’re eligible.
- Get in touch with us to get expert, friendly help.
Find out more about volunteering
“Citizens Advice helped me through my own debt problems, and now I’m glad I can share this help with others as a trained volunteer.”