Our phone lines can get busy. See all the other ways of contacting us here.

Specialist Advice and Casework for residents

In addition to our generalist advice service, we  are funded to provide specialist for advice and casework.

These projects include advice and casework in areas such as debt, benefits and housing.  Criteria will depend on the individual funding.

Check our current funded projects below:

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The eVisa Project

Helping West Sussex residents transfer to the eVisa. 

Citizens Advice in West Sussex Macmillan
Macmillan Welfare Rights Service

Offering free and confidential benefits advice and casework to people affected by cancer.

Read more.

Money Advice Pension Service
Money & Pensions Service (MAPS) Debt Advice

A project based in Crawley and Worthing, advising clients on debt problems, funded by Money & Pensions Service (MaPS).

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Crawley Connects

Providing migrant communities in Crawley with Level 1 immigration, benefits advice and access to domestic abuse support.

This project is funded by the National Lottery Community Fund. 

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Universal Credit: Help to Claim

Advising clients on whether Universal Credit is the right benefit for them and helping them make their first claim.

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Money Advice and Homelessness Prevention

Advising people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness with money advice and advice about housing and homelessness prevention.  

Referrals are made to this service via housing teams at the relevant local council. 

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Chagossian Community Project

Providing advice and support to newly arrived Chagossian residents.    

Crawley Communities Money Advice
Horsham Outreach

If you would like to be supported by one of our local projects,

please get in touch, contact us.

Find out more about volunteering

“Citizens Advice helped me through my own debt problems, and now I’m glad I can share this help with others as a trained volunteer.”