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We are Citizens Advice in West Sussex – your local charity

Our mission


We believe in the power of unbiased advice and advocacy to help individuals and communities thrive. Our mission is to provide accessible and reliable information that empowers people to make informed decisions and achieve their goals.


At our core, we are dedicated to ensuring that every voice is heard, regardless of background or circumstance. We understand that navigating complex systems and situations can be overwhelming, and we are here to help guide you through the process.


We strive to create a supportive and inclusive environment where everyone feels welcome and valued. Our team is made up of passionate and knowledgeable individuals who are committed to making a positive impact in the lives of others.


But we can’t do it alone. We rely on the support of donors and volunteers to help us carry out our mission. Whether you can give your time, your money, or your skills, we welcome your contribution and appreciate your partnership in our efforts to build a better, more compassionate world for all.

Read our 2022-23 Impact Report here




CAWS Criminal Convictions: Volunteer Recruitment Policy

CAWS Recruitment of Paid Staff with a Criminal Record

CAWS Adult Safeguarding Policy

CAWS Children Safeguarding Policy 

Citizens Advice statement on modern slavery and trafficking


Our impact in numbers:

2023 24 Impact Report Draft 2 A4 Landscape 2


We broke our own records by helping over 40,000 people last year*


of our volunteers feel more connected and less isolated 


For every £1 invested in our service, we saved government and the public £50.32. That’s a total of £121,462,577 in public value


Of those supported, 85% of people felt the service they received helped them find a way forward

What we do

Citizens Advice in West Sussex offers advice and assistance to thousands of people every year. We provide help with various problems such as managing debt, understanding rights at work, or housing issues. We also offer specialised services in debt, homelessness, and employment.

As part of the national Citizens Advice network, we share knowledge and best practices to provide quality service and work to address the underlying causes of people’s problems through research and campaigns.

Our commitment

Our commitment is to promote equality through our services and workplace, aligned with National Citizens Advice’s aims. We aim to challenge discrimination through advice, champion equality through research and campaigns, and value diversity as an employer and volunteer agency.

Our values:

icon talking heritage yellow


We’re informed and honest

icon holding hands heritage yellow


We’re compassionate and collaborative

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We’re problem solving and forward thinking

General non-advice enquiries

If you have a general question that you want to ask the Citizens Advice in West Sussex team, you can use our general enquiry form.

This is not for asking us for advice, please contact us here if you need advice.